Melody Maker were formed, marked and stamped this world of music at Pondok Gede, Jakarta, in 2004, by four brothers in blood: Mehdy (clean vocal n Serpent scream), Ally (Lead Guitar), Zakky (bass), n Ibrahim (Drum). In the road of our career, we add our ammunitions by adding Dhika (Rythem Guitar) and V-dell (Keyboard and backing vocal). This solid formation released our first album, entitled "The Revenge from Bleeding Lolita", contains 11 songs that got influence not only from metal bands such as: As I Lay Dying, Black Dahlia Murder, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir,etc, but also from Japanese metal n gothic band such as Dir en grey, Moi Dix Mois, and Malice Mizer.
Unfortunately, at august 2008, V-dell resigned from the band because he wanted to continue his study. At september 2008, RyO (backing vocal n Death vocal) , who already accompanied Melody Maker for their live stage since late 2005, were officially joined Melody Maker Squad, then become one of the most active lyric composer, alongside with mehdy, for Melody Maker new songs until now. On our live performances nowadays, we ussualy got helped by Rei from X-Shibuya who filled the String and symphonic sound section.
Melody Maker missions are to be a front metal band in the world, sharing Our musics, arts and idealism to everyone who like it and to create relationship with Our fans, colleagues and many other bands in this twisted world, because We are nothing without them.
Melody Maker music are much in variation, and cannot generally classified as one-genre-band since we hear many kind of music, such as metal n its roots like metalcore, deathcore n black metal, japanese music, gothic, British sound, Industrial, Jazz, until easy listening songs. Since We have idealism that there is no boundary in music, so We can make music with every variation that We like from many kind of genres. Self-producing and independent wayallowed us to do so without the pressures from the record label, that gives us
freedom and right to make Our music freely, so that Our songs filled with Our prides and creations, and hopefully we could share to everyone who hear it.
Our lyrical concepts speaks and filled with many things, such as Motivation, desires, love n hatred, tragedies, the perceptions of the struggle and pain of friends, relationship to God and anything that inspired us from what happening in the world today, and We combine all of them in the positive ways.
We called our teams,crews, and fans as "The Makers Family"..They are peoples who always backing us up, supporting us with their bloods, n being our loyal fans until the end of time..Hail and Salute to you all, "The Makers Family"!!!..
Right now, We are struggling in recording studio to make our new n upcoming album, there are many songs that we were already made. No release date has been set, but we hope We could release it at 2010.
Finally, We would like to call and represent our music as "Black Metalcore"...Hope all of you like Our musics n enjoy Our performances...See you all at the Pits, join us Burn the stages, n watch us conquer the world..Once n for all!!!!..Wassalam...
If You Want to hear their songs, you can download it by click on a link below :
Click Here
uuuuwwwhh>>> wawww waaawww melody maker....kyaaaa kyaaaaaaaa
kyaaaa.... heheheheeeee
pastinya rusuuh, menggemparkan, hitam-hitam, paku2..gondrong2..hmm ganteng-ganteng ga yaa??? yang itu saya kurang tau,abis kurang jelas..lagi2 karena hitam2, PAKU2,gondrong2..jadi ketutupan..
keep up the good work MM!!!
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